"76 Trotters Lane"
The Three Doctors Davidson, Pertwee and Smith AKA William, Paul and Lucie venture out into this cold planet called Glas-gow to seek out Davros, the ringleader of the Daleks.
Paul in "Pantomime"
William, the quintessential Englishman - Bowls em over
Lucie, Leaving the Tardis
We then took the Tardis and landed right in the midst of a shopping district these Glas-gwegians call "Buchanan Street" There we sought out and fought off some Autons who had taken over the sacred ghouse of "New Look"
Landing in Buchanan Street (Lucie and William)
Landing in Buchanan Street (Paul)
Paul fights the Evil Autons
We then temporarily entered the Forbidden planet we we encountered many strange beings including those from the galaxy Star Wars. These were obviously inferior creations and had not even mastered rudimentary time travel. So we moved on, preferring not to extinguish these alien creatures.
Venturing along Buchanan Street, we stumbled upon some University students who interviewed and filmed us as part of their University Project. We were naturally delighted, although the doctor should always maintain a low profile and ensure he is extinguished from Earths historical records.
Finally, we partook of every doctors ultimate adventure and entered the Willow tearooms where we partook of tea, cake and conversaton, reflecting on the day. We never met Davros or any Daleks, theorising they had been visited by the Baker Doctor previously and thrown back to Skaro
The three doctors take Tea