16 March 2014

Danny Kane 10 Year Memorial

Danny Kane was amongst the most inspiring individuals it has been my good fortune to have known.

Sadly, Danny lost his fight to cancer on 12th March 2004 and left behind many happy memories.

This is a small tribute to him 10 years on.


So how to plan a memorial for Danny? First ask, what did Danny love most? Well...Danny was an enthusiastic amateur rocketeer. With that in mind, Lucie (my daughter) designed her own rocket as a tribute to him. You can see Lucie's rocket in the pictures,  propped up against Danny's gravestone. Thanks for this Lucie. It beats flowers and I'm sure he would approve.


Danny's friends (some here today, and some unable to attend) then wrote a special message to Danny and they were placed inside Lucie's rocket. Im certain Danny will have read them wherever he is tonight. You can read some in the photographs. Some were more private and are not shown. I believe Graham gave Danny a special update on all the things that have happened over the past 10 years.


Danny did also hsve a fondness, its fair to say, for a wee tipple, so we cracked open a nice bottle of whiskey and shared it amongst ourselves, as well as a wee offering or two do Danny as well. We toasted his good friendship and memory.


After a few pictures, we assembled in a neighbouring field to the cemetery where we fired off a few rockets. One of Danny's own rockets was launched and a couple of Raymonds that have flewn in competition as well. Raymonds flew the distance but Danny's rocket flew with panache and style.


In the best ASTRA and Airdrie tradition, the group l retired to the warmth of the Robert Hamilton pub for a few convivial jars.


I'd like to especially thank Greg, Raymond, Lucie, William,  Keith, Graham, Andy, John and others for their support.


Danny was a huge character.  He inspired people into Education, into Engineering, and to believe in themselves.

Danny was a leader, a gentleman, a scholar, a bundle of fun, and a good friend. If you didn't get to know Danny, you will recognise his spirit because it still lives on in Airdrie Public Observatory, so everyone still benefits.

We miss you Danny. Keep a bright light on out there in the vastness of the Cosmos.